Spooking is common in horses, being prey animals one of their first instincts is to run away from danger, real or perceived.

Here in the UK we have said a sad farewell to our version of a summer and are firmly in the Autumn season which brings more unsettled weather, wind, rain and of course mud, oh joy!
Many horse owners may notice that their horse is a little more fresh than usual and keeping their rider on their toes with the occasional spook. This can be simply due to the wind which hinders the horses hearing and makes the horse extra vigilant and also creates movement in the trees and bushes, blowing bags and debris around.
The odd spook here and there is often nothing too serious however if your horse has become noticeably more susceptible to spooking it could be linked to pain.
Along with the changing weather we also have changing diet, routine and exercise schedules. All of these things will affect your horses shape and could mean that your saddle no longer fits correctly?
Saddle fit issues can cause pain and increased anxiety in your horse which can lead to spooking as well as a whole host of other issues both short and long term. With the changing season it is well worth booking in a saddle fitting appointment to check that all is well.
As a horse owner there are ways to help track changes in your horses shape such as The Perfect Fit Kit. This straight forward system can help you identify small changes which can make a big difference to the fit of your saddle.
The Perfect Fit Kit includes everything you need to template your horse with handy 'how-to' videos and tutorials. Get yours today! Use code SADDLEACADEMY for 25% off at https://saddlesdirect.co.uk/products/the-perfect-fit-kit